
In just a few steps, you can integrate Unify with Salesforce and start syncing data:

  1. Choose an integration user strategy
  2. Create the Unify Tag field on the Account, Contact, and Lead objects
  3. Add additional Unify fields
  4. Connect your Salesforce instance
  5. Create field mappings between Salesforce and Unify objects
  6. Enable read and write syncs

Unify is considered a connected app on the Salesforce platform which is a secure process for connecting Salesforce integrations with controllable permissions.

1. Choose integration user strategy

We recommend creating a dedicated, Unify-only integration user with a specific permission set. This enables more robust reporting because it ensures all record changes by Unify are properly attributed to Unify. However, any of the approaches below are supported.

Dedicated, Unify-only integration userThis is best practice and our recommended option. The user is granted specific limited permissions and all updates made within Salesforce are clearly attributable to Unify.This requires the purchase or use of a dedicated Salesforce user license, which may require time to set up at your company.
Shared integration user with other connected appsThis might be a better choice, because you may already use an integration user with other connected apps. You don’t need to provision a new user.Unify must share the permissions and limits of the shared integration user. If this user’s access is shut down, all connected apps will be impacted.
Existing individual user with system admin permissionsThis is typically the fastest and most affordable option because you use an individual user that already exists in your Salesforce. There’s no need to create anything new.Unify is given full system access and edits made within Salesforce are attributed to the individual user. If the user leaves the company, the connection will break.

You have full control over the permissions assigned to the integration user. However, Unify requires certain permissions for features to work properly. For a full overview of the required permissions and Salesforce settings, see this guide.

2. Create Unify Tag field

Adding the Unify Tag field to each Salesforce object will enable you to track actions that Unify is taking in your Salesforce instance with easy-to-create reports.

In Salesforce, navigate to Setup -> Objects and Fields -> Object Manager and repeat the following steps for the Account, Contact, and Lead objects:

  1. Click on the object and choose Fields & Relationships -> New
  2. Select the Text data type
  3. Enter Unify Tag as the field label and 255 as the length

Once the new field is saved, repeat these steps for each of the other object types.

3. Add additional Unify fields

In addition to the Unify Tag field, you can add the following optional fields to enhance your integration:

Fields for All Objects (Leads, Contacts, Accounts)

  • Unify Playbook (Unify_Playbook__c) (Text)

    Name of the first Unify playbook to touch the record.

  • Unify Timestamp (Unify_Timestamp__c) (Date)

    Timestamp of the first time the record is touched by Unify.

  • Is Unify Created (Is_Unify_Created__c) (Boolean)

    Boolean field indicating whether the record is created by Unify.

Fields for Contacts and Leads Only

  • Unify sequence (Unify_sequence__c) (Text)

    Name of the most recent sequence enrolled in.

  • Unify sequence Date (Unify_sequence_Date__c) (Date)

    Date the most recent sequence started.

  • Unify sequence status (Unify_sequence_status__c) (Picklist)

    Sequence status, with the following values:

  • Unify Sequence Status Change Date (Unify_Sequence_Status_Change_Date__c) (Date)

    Date the sequence status last changed.

  • Unify Assigned ID (Unify_Assigned_ID__c) (Lookup - User)

    Salesforce user associated with the mailbox that the Unify sequence was sent from.

To add these fields, follow the same steps as above for each field, selecting the appropriate data type and entering the field label and other required attributes.

4. Connect Salesforce instance

You can connect your Salesforce instance to Unify in the Salesforce Settings page. Click on the Setup Salesforce button and log in using the Salesforce integration user you want to use.

5. Create field mappings

Unify allows you to select which Salesforce fields map to which Unify fields. For each Unify object type, click on Create Mapping and choose which fields you want Unify to read and write to.

Once your field mappings are set, press Confirm.

In most cases, the default options will be a good starting point. You can always return to change these mappings later by choosing Update Mapping.

6. Enable read and write syncs

Reading from Salesforce

By default when you first connect Salesforce to Unify, syncs are paused. You can unpause them and begin syncing data into Unify by clicking Resume.

If at any point you want to pause syncs again, you can return to this page and click Pause.

Writing to Salesforce

Salesforce has two different ways of representing companies and people:

  1. Contacts and Accounts: Every person has a Contact record, and Contacts are associated with Accounts.
  2. Leads: Every person has a Lead record which contains information about both the person and their company.

You should pick the option that best aligns with how your BDRs or SDRs use Salesforce today. If you’re unsure of which to choose, Unify recommends using Contacts and Accounts as a best practice.

Once you’ve selected a strategy, simply activate the toggle next to Enable writing to Salesforce and Unify will be able to sync records back to Salesforce.

Additional Salesforce resources

Configure Default Values

Specify default values that should be used when writing to Salesforce.