1. Excluding current customers
  2. Exclude people who have unsubscribed from outbound campaigns

How to create an exclusion

Let’s walk through how to exclude all Active Salesforce accounts.

1. Go to Exclusions in Settings

Navigate to Settings > Exclusions and click New exclusion

2. Select Companies or People

Select Companies in this case

3. Define criterion to filter

In this example, we’re creating an exclusion called Current Customers that excludes companies with Salesforce Account Status equal to Active

4. Hit Save

Here you’ll see an overview of your new exclusion. These lists will automatically be excluded from targeting.

Upload exclusions from a CSV

Let’s walk through how to set up an exclusion using a CSV of companies or people.

1. Create a column in your CSV called “Status”

Populate the “Status” column with the same value across all the rows in your CSV. This value usually indicates the type of contact you are excluding. Examples can include “Active Customer”, “Competitor”, etc.

2. Upload these contacts in the companies or people tab

If you’re uploading companies, you’ll need to include both the company name and domain. If you’re uploading people, you’ll need to include one of the following set of fields:

  • Email
  • First Name, Last Name, and Company Domain
  • LinkedIn URL

3. Map the CSV fields to the Unify fields

You’ll select the fields you want to map into Unify. Make sure to select “Status” field from Unify when mapping that same column from your CSV. The Unify “Status” field should then populate with the values you populated in the CSV under the column. Once these are mapped, you can finish the upload.

4. Create a new exclusion and add the “Status” field in the conditions

You’ll then switch over into the “Exclusions” tab in your settings and create a new exclusion. Under either the people or companies filters, you will select the Unify status column and add the value from your CSV (i.e. “Active Customer”). Once you save this exclusion, this list should be excluded from future audiences and playbooks moving forward!

Note that if you would like to add more companies or contacts to this exclusion list in the feature, you’ll need to follow the same process as above and make sure the “Status” field is correctly mapped. This should automatically pull in the new exclusion after uploaded if the “Status” value is the same value in the filter.