
Plays chain together actions to perform anything from simple automations to complex and dynamic outbound campaigns. Below are the actions you can choose from when creating a Play.

Core actions

Agent qualification

AI agents are powerful tools for researching companies or people and answering questions about them. In Plays, the answers provided by an agent can be used to determine whether a company or person is qualified or not.

When you select the agent qualification action, you will be able to choose an existing agent or create a new one. Every agent has a set of questions that it will answer about the given record. In the action configuration panel, you can select which answers are required for the record to be considered qualified.

The configuration for an agent action.

Prospect for new People

One of the most common use cases for Plays is to find new people to reach out to. The prospecting action takes a company record as input and finds new people at the company matching specific personas and criteria.

When you select the prospecting action, you can specify one or more personas to search for. The personas are considered in order, so the first persona will be preferred over the second, and so on.

The configuration for a prospecting action.

You can also specify a limit on the number of people to find per company. If the Include existing people option is enabled, existing people at the company already in Unify will count towards this limit. This can be useful if you want to save prospecting credits on companies you already have relevant contacts for.

Sequence enrollment

The sequence enrollment action makes building automated outbound campaigns easier than ever. You can choose which sequences to send people to based on which personas they match.

The configuration for an sequence enrollment action.

You have the option to set a limit on how many people to enroll per company, which is generally recommended to avoid overtargeting a single company.

Sync to Salesforce

The Salesforce sync action allows you to create or update a record in Salesforce based on a company or person record in Unify. This action will use the settings you’ve configured for Salesforce in the Unify settings.

You also have the option to specify additional default field values. These will be written to Salesforce unless a different Unify field is already mapped to the Salesforce field.

The configuration for a Salesforce sync action.

Sync to HubSpot

The HubSpot sync action allows you to create or update a record in HubSpot based on a company or person record in Unify. This action will use the settings you’ve configured for HubSpot in the Unify settings.

You also have the option to specify additional default field values. These will be written to HubSpot unless a different Unify field is already mapped to the HubSpot field.

The configuration for a HubSpot sync action.

Utility actions


In order to fully understand the purpose of loops and how to use them effectively, it’s recommended that you read about action inputs and outputs first.

Most actions run on one record at a time. Loops are a simple way to run one or more actions on every record in a list.

For example, a Prospect for new People action will return a list of people. You can connect a loop action to the prospecting action and then add actions within the loop. The first action in the loop will receive one person at a time.

Get Company for Person

If you have a person record, you can use this action to fetch the company that the person works at. If the person does not have a company associated with them, this action will not return any result.

Get People for Company

If you have a company record, you can use this action to fetch people that work at the company. Unlike the Prospect for new People action, this action only looks for people that already exist in Unify rather than prspect for new people.

Coming soon

There are lots of additional actions in the works including more powerful AI features and deep integrations with third-party tools. If you’re interested in an action that isn’t available yet, let us know! We’ll get you in the beta as soon as it’s ready.