
Plays run on invidiual records, such as companies or people. Triggers define when a Play should run and what data should be provided to it. Below are the triggers you can choose from when creating a Play.

Available triggers

Record enters an Audience

This trigger runs a Play once on every company or person that “enters” an audience. A record enters an audience when it meets the criteria of the audience for the first time. The Play will only run on the record once unless it leaves the audience and re-enters it at a later time.

The configuration panel for an audience trigger.

When you select an audience trigger, you will be prompted to select an audience from the list of audiences you have created. Audiences are reusable in Unify, which means you can use the same audience in multiple Plays.

You also have the choice to run the Play on either companies that enter the audience or people that enter the audience. If you select companies, the output of this trigger will be a company record. Otherwise, the output will be a person record.

Record matches criteria

This trigger runs a Play once on every company or person that matches a set of filters. This trigger behaves the same as the audience trigger, but it doesn’t require that you already have an audience created. Instead, you can define the filters directly in the Play.

The configuration panel for a record match trigger.

When you select a criteria trigger, you will be prompted to add filters to select the companies or people that the Play should run on. Just like building audiences, you can add as many filters as you like and preview the records that match the filters before saving the trigger.

As with audience triggers, you can choose to run the Play on either companies or people. This will determine what type of record the trigger outputs.

Coming soon

There are lots of additional triggers in the works including webhooks, third-party events, schedules, and more. If you’re interested in one that isn’t available yet, let us know! We’ll get you in the beta as soon as it’s ready.